set gArticles = [["Partwork"], ["pic", "movie", "pic", "pic", "pic", "cutting"]]
set gDates = [[], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "The Times, Nov 13, 1992"]]
set gName = getat(["Engelberger"],1)
Most robots are, of course, blind. They work quite happily in pitch darkness, one of many advantages they offer over human workers. However, retina chips are now being developed which will imitate insect vision#A study commissioned by the US Army predicts that in 30 years robots will be helping humans fight wars#A bank in Chicago now charges its customers $3 if they want to talk to a bank teller rather than use a cash machine#For all the benefits they bring, robots and automated production in general have undoubtedly contributed to high levels of unemployment#The robot's name is derived from the Czech word 'robota', meaning labor. It was coined by the playwright Karl Capek in 1920#The robot is here to stay, but the android - a man-shaped robot capable of intelligent speech and behavior - exists only in the imagination of science fiction writers, and looks set to stay there for a while yet